Are Your Customers Maximizing Their Talents?
This letter is from a customer who used my books through a
class at the Burlington County One Stop Career Center in New Jersey.
According to the Manager, Michael C. Lazarchick, Ph.D.,
"We have been doing a small group
experience with the Carolyn's Workbooks and that service always gets
high reviews."
"I have lived in New Jersey all my life
(45 years), and in Burlington county 44 years. I have used Job Service
since I was 13 years old, I was to young at the time, but that was my
first experience at the job service on West Broad street in Burlington
city. Since then I've gotten summer jobs, been involved in J.P.T.A., and
utilized a lot of your services. When ever I was out of work, your
services were the first place I went to find reemployment. I grew up poor
in Burlington township, collage was'nt an option as money was not
available, dropped out school to work, but got my G.E.D. The reason I'm
sending this e-mail is, in all the years i've utilized Job Service, Follow
your True Colors to the Work You Love, by Carolyn Kalil & Don Lowry is the
best and most important thing or help I've ever gotten from the One Stop
Career Center. Please do not discontinue allowing people to be exposed to
and experencing this book and workshop. I wish I'd been exposed to this
book earlier in my life, as I'm sure I would have made better choices and
would have been enjoying work, instead of doing jobs I did'nt like or
complained about. I was a tractor trailer driver for the last 11 years,
I've worked for some not so good companies till I reached the top of my
profession( I got my CDL-A through JTPA schooling), but still I was'nt
happy to go to, or be at my job, but it was a paycheck to feed my family.
My career as a truck driver was over, July 2007, due to bad company
practices, my health and other reasons. I became depressed and did'nt know
how to deal with it or what to do about it. I went to the One Stop Career
Center. When I was told I'd be doing this color workshop, I thought
it would be a waste of time. I was totally wrong. It was the most insitefull, and insperational book and workshop I've ever been exposed to.
As the workshop progressed, I started to see myself and my future in a
different way. This book (and the Career Pointer booklet) gave me a much
needed, insite to understanding myself, as to what direction I should be
going with my job search, to be happy at work. My depression went away as
now I have a plan for my short term and long term work goals , leading to
my future career that will meet my monetary needs and I'll be happily
working. This also gave me the tools to identify, understand, and
how to relate to co-workers and other people of different colors on
and off worksites.
Chapters 3,4,5 and the Career Pointer
booklet, tought me so much about myself, that I did'nt, and needed to
know. Chapters 6,7,& 8 tought me how to use what I learned in chapters
3,4,&5 to decide a direction I need to to go in to gain employment and be
succesful and happy. The chart on page 129 was cunfusing and to hard to
understand and apply.
Chapters 9 & 10 forced me to better
understand what in my past lead me to who I am today. Chapter 11 showed me
how I can realisically reach my long term goals . I felt the workshop
was'nt long eough, maybe add 4 more classes, because I felt rushed each
class. I and the other 3 people in this workshop we did'nt have time to
fully express ourselves and have our questions answered fully as we did'nt
want to take time from each other. I believe this should be exposed
to unemployed persons as soon as possible when they go to the One Stop
Career Center.
Please, continue offering Carolyn Kalil's book, (the back cover has a
price of $24.95 but it and the information in it are worth much more!)
anyone who is exposed to this book and workshop will get
something out of it. For me it changed everything, I feel empowered with
the knowlege I received from this book & the workshop.
Thank you for giving it to me."
My program gives career development professionals a
simple, accurate, and very appropriate tool to identify the unique
excellence in the clients they serve. I provide products and
services that help them assist jobseekers in discovering the
personality strengths and natural talents that lead them to success in the
As listed below, several workforce programs have adopted my materials
that incorporate a Personality System into the career
development process.
I train and certify your staff to use my products in several areas of
your delivery system including intake, assessment, and group facilitation.
The Certification Training covers
- Mastery in using the Inner Hero temperament system as a self assessment
- Group facilitation based on personality
- Applying the Inner Hero temperament theory in one-on-one career
counseling/coaching sessions
- Identifying personality differences in self and
- Discovering important values that motivate each of
the 4 personalities and the unique skills they enjoy using
- Building self esteem and identifying out-of-esteem
behavior in each personality
- Exploring career options that match personality
- Correlation of Inner Heroes with Holland Themes,
DOT, Keirsey Temperaments and MBTI
- Other topics: Learning styles, decision making and
goal setting/action planning
- Receive copy of Follow Your Inner Heroes™ To
the Work You Love, plus The Workbook, and other
- Facilitator Certification
At Denver's Arapahoe/Douglas Works! office, one of the largest in
Denver, my materials replaced their existing assessment
products. They felt that their clients understand the template and can apply it to their lives.
Herb Goldsmith, at Arapahoe/Douglas Works!, said that they found the
Career Pointer to be exactly what they needed.
Patrick Holwell, an assessment specialist, said "I've looked at every assessment tool available. It was unbelievable how
well Carolyn's materials fit our needs."
Carolyn Kalil is the author of the
best selling book "Follow Your True Colors To The Work You Love." She
has helped over 30,000 people discover their unique gifts. Carolyn is a
talented speaker, trainer, and career counselor. Her presentations are
interactive and hands-on. Her inspirational message shows us what is
possible once we discover who we are and make use of our natural
talents. At the corporate level her workshops focus on improving
communication skills and working more effectively as a team. As one of
the original certified True Colors trainers, she uses this tool to help
others use their strengths in a career and in their lives.
Carolyn has worked as a counselor for UCLA and El Camino Community
College for 30 years. She earned her BA degree in Elementary Teaching
and her MA degree in Counseling from Ohio State University.
Career Pointer
Find Direction in Your Work
is a 12 page 8.5 x 11 inch booklet for use in groups or one-on-one career
counseling/coaching. It is designed to let
the user proceed at their own pace and discover themselves. The
clients write in this pamphlet and keep a permanent record of their
results through this process. Inside, there is a 21 question assessment where the client ranks
the four choices from most like them to the least like them. This
assessment is simple and accurate. It has been field tested and in use at
the South Bay Workforce Investment Board in California with CalWorks clients, numerous
college students and different military programs. I've shown a
couple of the questions below.
After taking the quiz and ranking themselves, the clients turn to their
primary Inner Hero page and read about themselves. Then they turn to the
transferable skills page of their primary Inner Hero and circle their top five
skills. A sample of the Doer skills is shown below.
On the same page as the skills are a list of occupations for their primary
color, as shown by the sample below.
The last page ties it all together . It is a summary page where the client
records all their results and also has a free form area for their notes.
The Career Pointer is sold in lots of
Success Pointer
for activities based on relationship building

This is a 12 page 8.5 x 11 inch booklet for use with individuals or groups. It is designed
for a variety of activities including team building, conflict resolution,
communication styles, and improving relationships. Clients can write in this pamphlet and keep a permanent record of their
results. They begin by ranking the Inner Hero pictures on the front and then
taking a 21 question simple assessment as shown below. From the results, they can read
about themselves.

In addition to the assessment, the booklet includes the following
information and exercises:
Contribution to a team effort
How to relate to the Inner Hero
Summary page
Order here