Table of Contents
Book Reviews
Reader Comments
Email Carolyn

Youth Workbook
True Success
Plus an
Instructor's Guide
Introduces students to the Personality style process and guides them toward a
career pathway that fits with who they are. A journey in self-discovery,
it is sure to help students gain a better understanding of their natural
strengths and talents. As they do, they become well equipped to select the
college major or trade that's right for them and identify careers in which
they will thrive and find true satisfaction.

College Workbook
The Workbook: Follow Your
Inner Heroes(tm) to the Work You Love
This fun and practical workbook can be used as a stand
alone or, better yet, as a great companion to the text book in groups or
classes. Students love this innovative course filled with exercises in
self-discovery and career planning.
Best Selling Career Book
Includes set of 4 Inner Heroes(TM)
Cards New Edition 2013
"This is both a
delightful book and a web site. Carolyn gives an intelligent and warm
explanation of the idea that all mankind divides into four basic
personality types, or temperaments,... based on the earlier work of David Keirsey, Isabel Myers and Carl Jung. Highly recommended"
DICK BOLLES, author, What Color Is
Your Parachute?
"What an exciting book
to discover meaningful work that satisfies your soul."
JACK CANFIELD Chicken Soup for the Soul
212 pages, 6"x9"
ISBN 978-0-9858530-6-8
Former ISBN 978-0-9858530-1-3
Former ISBN 978-1893320-28-4
Listed as #7 of the top 30 best selling career books in
America on Vocational Biographies website.
From the Back Cover
Do you hate your job? But don't know what else you
can do? Carolyn Kalil, M.A., takes the mystery and misery out of your
search for satisfying work. This book helps you to discover your
natural strengths and talents. With the help of the temperament
method, you'll learn quickly how to reclaim your true self and find
your own path to success. In a few simple steps, the author leads you
to the work you love.
"Follow Your Inner Heroes(tm) to the Work You Love" is also Carolyn's
personal success story. It is enriched throughout by anecdotes and
first hand reports from people whom she has helped in their search for
self-expression and fulfilling careers.
- Discover your true talents
Create a positive, clear self-image
Overcome fears that block success
Maximize your unique strengths
Determine your ideal career
Put soul into the work you do
"Follow Your
Inner Heroes(tm) to the Work You Love" is
so much more than just another career book about how to find a job.
The author demonstrates how she dealt with self-esteem issues and
reclaimed her own true self, discovering her life's work in the
process. From her twenty-nine years of experience as a career
counselor, she shares stories of people she has helped to find the
work they love.
About the Author
Carolyn Kalil has been inspiring students and
organizations for more than 30 years as an educator, counselor,
author, speaker and corporate trainer. Her popular book and its
companion workbook continue to be successful training tools for
students and a number of major corporations, including Warner Brothers
and Cisco Systems. And her work is receiving high praise from
colleges, prisons, Welfare-to-Work and other programs that strive to
help people.
Several years ago when I began to write this book, a very intuitive
friend of mine told me, "The book you're going to write is not the
book you think you're going to write." At the time I had no clue what
she meant by her uncanny remark. But she was right. The book you now
hold in your hands is certainly different from the one I set out to
write. My initial intent was to introduce cutting-edge information
about a simple personality system that helps people understand who
they are and find the work they love to do. This knowledge became the
catalyst for my own mental, spiritual and emotional healing, which
gave me the courage to discover and pursue the work I love to do. This
book is based on my personal experience and insights, as well as
feedback from some who I have counseled.
In my early days as a career counselor, when students would ask me to
help them find the work they should do, I would take them literally.
It didn't take long to realize they were really asking much deeper
questions, such as, Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of my
life? What was I born to do? Where do I fit?
Many fine books already on the market deal with the nuts and bolts of the
job hunting process, how to write a resume, how to interview, and
where to find particular kinds of work. My focus differs by first
tackling the age-old issues of knowing who we are and our purpose - internal issues of self-discovery and meaning
- before applying that
knowledge to the task of finding your ideal life's work.
For as long as I can remember, I have been able to see the natural
potential in others, but for years I didn't have a name for it. I was
frustrated, because I didn't know how to explain to other people what
I knew. Still, it was clear to me that innate qualities in each
individual motivated them to think and behave in particular ways.
Everyone has unique and special characteristics that have nothing to
do with one's race, religion or level of education.
Why is it that some people have the incredible ability to connect and
interact easily with other people, while many do not have this gift,
yet possess remarkably curious minds that are storehouses for a wealth
of information? Why are some people gung ho for life without worrying
how they're going to get where they're going or what will happen when
they arrive, while others seem almost paralyzed without first
developing a detailed plan to get from point A to point B?
As a counselor, I have discovered a way to show others what these traits
are and how to use them to find their own unique niche that brings
them satisfaction in their work. I had long encouraged others to choose work that
would bring out their passion. I now had a tool to
show them how to do this. My college career-planning classes became
very popular as students not only figured out what they wanted to do
with their lives but also understood themselves and their
relationships better than ever.
My personal and professional success with temperament inspired me to
write this book. It spoke to my heart like no other personality system
had ever done and I knew I was on to something good that could change
Classifying individuals according to four main personality types is not a
new idea. The eminent physician Hippocrates described four
dispositions or temperaments- choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic and
sanguine - as long ago as the fifth century B.C. Eastern astrologers
devised a system that used four natural elements, air, water, earth
and fire, to create the trigons that comprise the twelve signs of the
zodiac. Native Americans divide their medicine wheel into four Spirit
Keepers, and the four central desires of Hindu philosophy, pleasure,
success, duty and meaning, delineate four aspects of human nature.
In the modern era, Carl Jung's landmark work Psychological Types
reaffirms the ancient belief in fixed patterns of behavior. According
to Jung, each of us is born with a particular basic personality and
our goal is not to be like anyone else, but to become our "best self."
Despite its powerful influence, Jung's typology was not adaptable to
everyday use until the relatively recent development of the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which sparked a renewed interest in
personality theory.
Modern-day psychologist Dr. David Keirsey, in his book Please Understand
Me, explains the relationship between the four temperaments and the
sixteen Myers-Briggs Types. Keirsey labels the four temperaments as
the Apollonian, the Promethean, the Epimethean, and the Dionysian.
You are about to embark on an incredibly exciting journey. Through this process you will uncover your positive attributes and
learn how they already suit you for work you will love to do. Once you
have recognized your personality, you'll understand why some careers
are natural extensions of who you are, while others will never fit -
and in fact, might harm your spiritual and emotional well-being. The
final steps in this process are to help you overcome your fear, define
your mission, and set your course for expressing your true self
through a meaningful life's work
Carolyn Kalil
When I was in the second grade, one day
the teacher asked the class to line up according to eye color: blue
eyes in this line and brown eyes over there. My eyes are one of those
'tweener colors, more green than blue, but not quite either, with
yellow flecks just to keep you guessing. I was a precocious and
precise little kid, so I asked the obvious question: "What about green
eyes?" I'll never forget my teacher's response: "There's no such
thing as green eyes; your eyes are blue, get in the blue-eyed line."
You know as well as I do that eyes come in more than two colors, but it
wasn't until I read the book you are now holding that I realized
personalities come in a variety of colors as well. Don't
misunderstand, I knew people were different, but every system I had
seen for describing those differences boiled down to an alphabet soup
that I could never quite keep straight. Whether I was an INTJ or an
ESPN didn't seem to have any practical application.
At work, it often appeared that my personality got in the way, and even
though I achieved some financial success through hard work and
determination, I didn't quite fit the jobs I was trying to do. I was
frustrated. Too bad this book wasn't written back then.
Eventually I met a wise career counselor who showed me that for years I
had been a green-eyed guy standing in a blue-eyed line, doing work
that didn't match my natural gifts, interests and abilities. He
explained that it takes two elements to achieve job satisfaction: what
you do, and where you do it. With more than 60,000 career
classifications in the United States, spread across untold thousands
of organizations, you're bound to find a pretty close fit somewhere if
you know what you're looking for.
But how can you know?
The first step is to understand who you are and how you are wired,
because your personality is as natural a part of you as the color of
your eyes. I can now see that the very characteristics that were
evident in me way back in the second grade - attention to detail,
precise language, and inquisitiveness - all fit my calling as a book
editor. One of the joys of my newfound profession is the opportunity
to work with true-blue authors like Carolyn Kalil.
As you will soon see, this system is easy to understand, fun to work
with, and insightful. It will start you on the road to discovering how
you fit in the spectrum of opportunities
that lie before you. Don't waste another minute. Turn the page and get
Lindstedt, Editor
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